

Bus Transportation (UPDATED January 2019)

We currently have two morning and afternoon bus routes. You must contact the office to sign up for a bus route. 

*If you miss an afternoon bus pick-up your child will be brought back to school and will be with our afterschool program, WINGS. There will be a $15 charge.

Morning Routes

Westbound Route:

Balsam Rest Area- Arrive: 7:05 AM Depart: 7:10 AM
Waynesville First United Methodist Church- Arrive: 7:25 AM, Depart: 7:30 AM

Eastbound Route:

Canton Ingles- Arrive: 7:05 AM Depart 7:20 AM
Clyde Central United Methodist Church- Arrive: 7:35 AM, Depart: 7:40 AM

Afternoon Routes

Eastbound Route:

Clyde Central United Methodist Church- Arrive: 3:30 PM Depart: 3:40 PM
Canton Ingles- Arrive: 3:55 PM

Westbound Route:

Waynesville First United Methodist Church- Arrive: 3:20 PM Depart: 3:30 PM,
Balsam Rest Area- Arrive: 3:40PM